Slot Machine Theme Star Fox

In my years writing about games for Ars, I've covered my fair share of surprising glitches, long-secret codes, arbitrary code execution tricks, and deeply hidden content buried within some classic games and hardware. But none of that prepared me for the above Twitch video clip I saw this morning, showing a fleet of flying Arwings from Star Fox 64 invading the world of Ocarina of Time to attack Link.

It's the kind of scene you'd expect to see only in a fan-made animation or in a ROM hack of the type Nintendo is so fond of taking down from the Internet. But what made this clip truly impressive was the fact that it was apparently running on an unmodified version of the original Japanese Ocarina of Time ROM, using standard N64 hardware and control accessories.

Slot Machine Mk 2 by UHMEEEEBA. Star Fox; Slot Machine Mk 2. Select A Song From Our Musicbox. Plays While Browing This Site. In numismatics, token coins or trade tokens are coin-like objects used instead of coins.The field of token coins is part of exonumia and token coins are token money.Tokens have a denomination either shown or implied by size, color or shape. 'Tokens' are often made of cheaper metals: copper, pewter, aluminium, brass and tin were commonly used, while bakelite, leather, porcelain, and other less.

I spent all morning tracking down how such a thing was even possible. Explaining it involves a deep dive into the nature of Nintendo 64 machine language instructions, Ocarina of Time memory management, and the mid-'90s development of the game itself. If you're as curious about all this as I was, come and take a journey with me.

Stale references and fresh code

The key glitch to this amazing run dates back to last October, when a runner named Glitches0and0stuff used emulators and careful examination of Nintendo 64 memory locations to discover a method for stale-reference manipulation in Ocarina of Time.

Basically, the glitch involves picking up an item and then tricking the game into unloading it right from Link's hands when he crosses a loading threshold (say, for a new room). At this point, the game frees up the memory location for that held object so it can be used by other in-game objects as they're loaded. But the game also still thinks Link is holding something in his hands, so it continues to update that 'stale reference' pointer in the newly freed memory with data representing the nonexistent object's position and angle. With some careful manipulation, this pointer can now be used to 'corrupt' the data for a newly loaded object with arbitrary values.

Initial implementations of this trick focused on simple 'corruption,' like loading new items into treasure chests or changing the positions of other in-room items (as explained in detail here). After a while, though, players discovered you could also use the same basic method to alter some specific assembly language 'jump' codes, which tell the game where to look for its next instruction when certain in-game events are triggered.


By inserting a specific code in this way, the game can first jump to the memory location that holds the last known X and Y rotation values for the in-game slingshot. If those values are set precisely, they'll be interpreted as another jump code that goes to the area of memory where the current file name is stored. That file name will then be interpreted as basic N64 machine code, which can of course be set by the user ahead of time to do whatever they want (assuming they've translated the binary file name characters into the appropriate opcodes correctly, of course).


The first major use of this jump code manipulation was to load the game's credits cut scene and thus set a new 'Any%' speedrun world record for the game. Doing that quickly, in the game's opening area, requires the use of some other glitches, including a 'walking while talking' camera glitch that gets in-game rocks to load and unload at the perfect times and locations. It also involves holding down specific buttons and analog stick positions on the controllers in the first and third ports on the Nintendo 64, so those signals can get interpreted as the correct cut scene location code for the credits.

Unlocking the Arwing

The above method is fine if all you want to do is jump to a cut scene. But it had a major limitation: the Ocarina of Time file name system is limited to eight characters, which translates to just a couple of in-game machine code instructions. Luckily, those two instruction slots can also be used to basically eliminate that character limit.

The method for doing this is extremely intricate and is explained in detail in this Pastebin and this video. Suffice to say that it involves executing the general method above three times to remove a few key checks for the filename position pointer, then setting that pointer to a negative position value.

The result lets players enter a file name that's hundreds of characters long, allowing the player to pre-load much more complex sequences of machine instructions for the code-jumping method above. But that's still not enough to code the graphics, animation, and gameplay logic required for our in-game Arwing attack. Luckily, Nintendo already did a lot of the work for us here, helpfully including all that Arwing code deep inside every Ocarina of Time cartridge.


Why? Character and Graphic Designer Satoru Takizawa explained in a 2011 Iwata Asks interview that it was a simple case of code reuse for some specific Zelda enemy movement:

Volvagia is a dragon, so it wriggles and undulates. I only gave [Boss Enemy Programmer Kazuaki Morita] the dragon model parts, but he set it in motion immediately. It was mysterious how he could do that... I couldn't help but ask how he did it. He said it was the same as the programming for Star Fox 64. There's this scene when another fighter aircraft is tailing Arwing, and... [the way the fighter moves as it flies and Volvagia's movements are exactly the same]... I was like 'Whoa!' and 'I see!' and had a great time every day marveling over it all.

After copying the necessary animations to Volvagia, Morita apparently left the entire Arwing code block in the game's garbage data, as data miners discovered many years ago. And players have known for well over a decade how to access those buried code bits with cheat devices like the GameShark, editing memory values to replace specific enemies with Arwings.

But with the memory manipulating tricks discussed above, an external cheating device is no longer necessary. Runner ZFG1 proved this once and for all last night, loading the Arwings using an unedited Zelda ROM and standard Nintendo 64 hardware live on Twitch. The result is a version of the game where all the doors have been replaced with Arwings, which can swarm around Link from the air, attack him with damaging blaster fire, and even crash to the ground in flames when attacked.

The full setup for this particular clip ended up taking well over an hour, including three arbitrary-code execution loops and over 10 minutes of meticulous file-name entry for the final Arwing payload. But the clip is also the culmination of months and years of work by a community utterly obsessed with achieving full understanding and mastery of a classic game and its glitches.

Besides being a joy to marvel at, the 'Arwings in Zelda' clip is a testament to that community—and to the ability for a group of computer experts to do amazing things with classic gaming hardware and software, given enough time and focus.

Listing image by Twitch / ZFG1

Welcome to the Lylat Wiki, all about the Star Fox series! If you'd like to help out, please take a look at our community portal.

From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
Out of This Dimension
As seen in Star Fox
GamesStar Fox
No music provided
On other wikis
'Come in Arwings!! Fox, where are you?!! We need you to protect Corneria!!'
— General Pepper, Star Fox

Out of This Dimension in Star Fox is a strange location found outside of the known space of the Lylat System, or existence as we know it. Escape from the surreal level is impossible, and it is seen as the alternate ending for the game. A remixed version of Johann Strauss II's Voices of Spring plays as the realm's theme, and a version of When The Saints Go Marching In. Out of This Dimension does not appear in any other Star Fox title, although the Warp Zone from Star Fox 64 is similar.

Star Fox

The zone is comprised of black space filled with various colored, sized, smiling moons and cartoony stars. The background lurches and is distorted throughout the level, but this stops when the player defeats the Slot Machine. The only enemy found in this level is also exclusive to this level: the paper plane which is a small threat by itself, but can often swarm the player in large numbers. The end boss of this level is the mysterious Slot Machine.

This level, unlike others, does not end after beating the boss, but rather plays on infinitely with the credits scrolling by. The player can then shoot at each of the letters of 'THE END' and turn them over. After a while, however, the letters resituate themselves. Enemies from the regular levels attack the player and the letters, causing the letters to scrambled around over and over. Death for the player is inevitable, as no supply rings appear during this event, and the enemies appear repeatedly.

Star Fox Slot Machine

The fate of the rest of the Star Fox team and Corneria is never revealed, although it is suggested by General Pepper's briefing that Andross would take advantage of Star Fox's disappearance in the Out of This Dimension area to conquer the Lylat System.

On the map: Corneria | Meteo | Fichina | Sector X
Titania | Bolse | Katina | Solar | Macbeth | Sector Y
Aquas | Zoness | Sector Z | Area 6 | Venom | The System
Not on the map: Fortuna | Sauria | Cerinia | Eladard
Aparoid Homeworld | Beltino Orbital Gate
Sargasso Space Zone | Papetoon | Lylat | Kew | Astropolis
Out of This Dimension | Black Hole | Asteroid

This article is a stage stub. You can help Lylat Wiki by expanding it.

Slot Machine Theme Star Fox Characters

Star Fox (Starwing)
SNES • Argonaut Games • Nintendo
Fox McCloud • Falco Lombardi • Peppy Hare • Slippy Toad • General Pepper
Andross • Venomian Army
Attack Carrier • Rock Crusher • Atomic Core • Dancing Insector • Phantron • Professor Hangar • Plasma Hydra • Metal Smasher • Galactic Riders • Destructor • Blade Barrier • Monarch Dodora • Atomic Base II • Spinning Core • Great Commander • Andross
Laser Upgrade • Smart Bomb • Supply Ring
Corneria (Corneria - The Base) • Asteroid (Asteroid Belt) • Space Armada (The Andross Space Armada) • Meteor (The Battle Base Meteor) • Venom
Corneria (Corneria - The Base) • Sector X • Titania (The Planet Titania) • Sector Y • Venom
Corneria (Corneria - The Base) • Asteroid (Asteroid Belt) • Fortuna (The Planet Fortuna) • Sector Z • Macbeth (The Planet Macbeth) • Venom
Black Hole (The Awesome Black Hole) • Out of This Dimension
Other concepts

Casino Slot Machine Theme Cowboys

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